NU’EST Baekho Leaves Fans Speechless With Upgraded Body And Visuals

He is the definition of sexy.

NU’EST’s Baekho has graced the cover for Men’s Health’s January 2020 cover and has fans swooning over his chocolate body.

This issue comes in three different versions, but it’s quite obvious which one fans will snatch up.


His perfectly chiseled body is exactly what we all need this holiday season.





His great physique can be seen right through his white t-shirt.



How can someone with such a cute face have such a sexy body?




It’s quite obvious which version fans will be buying!




Check out the teaser video posted by Men’s Health!





Baekho has previously been on the cover back in the November 2018 issue as well.









And here’s his teaser video from last year!

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운동의 맛을 알아버린 남자, 뉴이스트W 백호🐯의 아침입니다. 어떤 하루가 펼쳐질지 <맨즈헬스> 11월호를 통해 확인하세요! *맨즈헬스 인스타그램 팔로! 이 포스팅 공유 필수! _ 현재 <맨즈헬스> 11월호는 온라인서점 예스24, 알라딘, 인터파크, 교보문고에서 예약판매 중입니다. 💥두 가지 버전으로 준비한 표지 대결이 여전히 핫! 🙋🏽‍♂️터프한 백호(A형) VS 🤷🏽‍♂️스마일 백호(B형, 특별 소장본), 여러분의 선택은?? 자외선차단 기능에 진정작용까지 갖춘 선스틱 ‘퍼플유 글로우 킬선 앤 스포츠바’(소비자가2만원)를 부록으로 제공하는 C형(8천원)도 온라인서점에서 구입 가능합니다. _ #맨즈헬스 #맨즈헬스코리아 #라이프핏스타일매거진 #menshealth #menshealthkorea #운동하는남자 #피트니스 #NUEST_W #NUEST #뉴이스트W #뉴이스트 #BAEKHO #백호 #뉴이스트동호 #동호 #강동호 #뉴블 #첫단독촬영 #b컷대방출 #퍼플유 #글로우킬선앤스포츠바 #프렌치불 #보온병

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Which Baekho do you like more? 2018 or 2019? Let us know!


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