Siwon, Donghae, Changmin and more pose for Seoul Police’s school violence eradication campaign

Super Junior’s Siwon and Donghae, TVXQ’s Changmin and the rest of the celebrity recruits pose for the latest campaign headed by the Seoul Police. 

In an update by the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency yesterday, it was announced that a UCC contest and campaign was launched to eradicate school violence. The image posted alongside the announcement featured Siwon, Donghae, Changmin and more in their pristine uniforms, posing as if filming for a movie.

The poster was then met with delight from their respective followers for their active public promotions in the police force.

The full announcement will be released on April 4th.

학교폭력 근절 UCC 시나리오 공모전에 응모해주신 여러분들 감사드려요~많은 분들의 참여로 시나리오 심사에 더욱 신중을 기하게 되어부득이하게 수상자 발표를 4월 4일로 연기하게 되었어요.마음을 졸이며 기다리게 한 점 죄송합니다.4월 4일!기쁜 소식으로 만나요~Coming Soon!

Posted by 서울경찰 (Seoul Police) on Monday, March 28, 2016

Source: Dispatch

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