MAMAMOO’s Moonbyul Revealed She Had The Creepiest Paranormal Experience With Hwasa’s Ghost…And It’s Terrifying

Warning: This may cause goosebumps.

Moonbyul of MAMAMOO once shared her horrifying ghost experience that seemed to take the form of Hwasa…and the details are chilling.

Moonbyul was alone at the dorm when she was laying in her bed. While sleeping in the middle of the night, she began to hear noises.

Laying in her bunk, she realized the noises were coming from below her. She realized someone must be going through her drawers.

When Moonbyul peeked over the edge, she looked down and saw Hwasa eating her candy.

Suddenly, Hwasa made her way to the ladder of the bunk and began to climb up to where Moonbyul was.

She came up and did this. *slams table loudly* Then she went back down to eating like nothing had even happened.

— Moonbyul

The next day, Moonbyul asked Hwasa if she had returned to the dorm for the night.

I asked Hwasa if she had come home that day, but she had been at her hometown.

— Moonbyul

Since Hwasa lives in Jeonju, it’s too far for her to go back-and-forth in one night.

Solar also shared a story about another time she was trying to sleep alone and Hwasa was in Jeonju.

I suddenly turned around and saw Hwasa standing there naked.

— Solar

How is it possible that Moonbyul and Solar both saw Hwasa when she wasn’t even there? Was it sleep paralysis, or a ghost taking the form of Hwasa?

Watch the full clip below and decide for yourself!


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