Top 10 Most Popular Non-idol Instagram Accounts In Korea

Korean idols and actresses regularly rack up millions of followers on Instagram, but who are the other Koreans that are dominating Instagram? Here’s a list of 10 of the most popular non-idol Instagram accounts.

10. Congpilates — 263k followersCongpilates is an online pilates tutor with an amazing body—it’s no mystery why she has so many followers.

9. 1room1cat — 270k followersThe Internet was made for cats and these cats are so cute they’ve garnered over 270 000 followers!

A post shared by bellcat (@1room1cat) on

8. Park Hyung Seok — 352k followersPark Hyung Seok is just a (very) handsome young man with a knack for taking well-shot photos.

A post shared by 박형석 (@92_hyungseok) on

7. Yebin — 375k followersYears ago, Yebin became known worldwide for her adorable viral video about stranger danger. Now, she and her family have over 375 thousand faithful followers.

6. Greed Eat — 418k followersGreed Eat uploads some of the most mouthwatering videos of food you will ever see. No wonder they are Korea’s number 1 food page on Instagram!

A post shared by 오늘뭐먹지? (@greedeat) on

5. Jinri Park — 585k followers

Jinri Park is a Korean-born model famous for being unbelievably sexy, especially when cosplaying as anime characters and figures from your childhood like R2D2 and Litte Red Riding Hood.

A post shared by Jinri Park (@jinri_88) on

4. Haneul — 692k followers

A post shared by Ha Neul 하늘 (@haneulina) on

3. Park Sora — 742k followers

Park Sora is a 28-year-old model from South Korea who was once told she was too short to model, but she didn’t let that stop her and now has a dedicated following of over 742 thousand followers.

A post shared by park so ra (@sora_pppp) on

2. Irene Kim — 930k followers

Irene Kim is a super famous Korean-American model who has worked with the likes of Estée Lauder and is an industry trendsetter.

1. DJ Soda — 1.7m followers

DJ Soda is an incredibly popular DJ who also models for some of the world’s biggest brands like Nike and Dior. Videos of her sets regular reach over a million views on YouTube.

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