8 Moments When Your Bias Made You Cry Real Tears

You just can’t help but love them so dang much.

1. Hearing the last line of EXO‘s “What U Do?” when Baekhyun sings “I love you, I love you”… because you really do love him too.


2. When plagiarism accusations against BTS after their 2016 concert made one of the boys try to change the trending tag on Twitter from #plagiarismsonyeongdan to #INEEDU1stwin… because your bias was obviously upset about the entire thing.

10 #plagiarismsonyeondan

11 #bangtanplagiarism


3. While listening to your bias’ official fan song… because the song was made for you and you feel super close to them right now!


4. When your bias receives the Daesang Award and cries in front of the audience because he’s so overwhelmed… and you’re so happy to see him get the recognition he deserves.


5. When your bias cried at the MAMA concert while thanking the staff, the group, their families and the fans for their love and support… because you can see how much they appreciate you.


6. When your bias cried at their “Wings” concert because they’re so thankful to their fans… and you’re so thankful to them for being so amazing.


7. When your bias revealed her sad past and talked about the last time she spoke to her father before he died… because it’s just heartbreaking to see them in pain.

Image: Talkmon


8. When your bias was devastated that one of their members was leaving the group… because you were devastated too.

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