Actress Han Ji Min Discusses Why She Prefers New Friends Over Old And More

She really does get close with her co-stars!

Actress Han Ji Min recently sat down for an interview with Allure magazine!

The interviewer began by mentioning that Ji Min’s staff had been with her for a long time.

I like having fun and enjoying myself at work. I usually develop long-term relationships with people that I can go out for a drink with after work. Work takes up so much of my life that even if I meet someone through work, I want to continue our relationship after the job ends. In the past, I thought that real friends were friends you had known since childhood, but a lot of those friends are married now, and we don’t relate to the same topics anymore. I think I’m at a time in my life where I’m more comfortable with those who know the current me.

—Han Ji Min

She was then asked if she cries at the end of a project, as many actors have admitted to doing so. She laughed and said that it depended on the project. For example, she cried for The Light In Your Eyes but didn’t cry for Josée. She added, “In the past, we would share our joys and sorrows with each other. We were basically living together for months, so I would cry when we had to go our separate ways.

She also shared what she did on the New Year’s holiday and during Seoul’s huge snowstorm.

I spent New Year’s quietly, as last year was so exhausting that I could only think, ‘Go away.’ As for the snowstorm, I turned off all of the lights in the living room and watched the snow fall. Normally, I would go outside but since I couldn’t do that I stayed inside and watched a movie. I watched The Midnight Sky. I thought that it would be a warm movie because of the poster but it wasn’t at all.”

—Han Ji Min

Finally, Han Ji Min was asked for three goals she wanted to achieve in 2021. She got very personal with her answers.

First, I don’t want to say goodbye to anyone. Last year, I had to say goodbye to my grandmother, and I began to feel like I don’t have a lot of time left with my mother. Second, I want to go to Australia to meet Roma [nephew]. Third, I want the world to get better so I can once again have fried chicken and beer in a crowded park by the Han River.

—Han Ji Min

Source: Allure Korea
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