American Man Refuses Korean Fiancée’s Request, Gets Roasted Online

What’s your take on this?

A repost on the Reddit the community, r/korea, is gaining traction. It showed a screenshot from the subreddit r/AITA (“Am I The Assh*le”) which asks netizens for their opinion on whether or not they were in the wrong.

The unnamed writer explained that he, an American, is engaged to a Korean-American woman. The root of the problem was her request for him to do a 90-degree bow to her grandparents when they meet in South Korea.

My fiancée is Korean-American, and I’m American. We’ve met each other’s parents before, and she’s met my grandparents, but I’ve yet to meet her grandparents because they live in Korea. We are planning a trip to Korea as soon as it’s possible so that I can meet her grandparents. She’s asking me to boy to her grandparents when we meet, since respecting the elders is a big deal in Korean culture. Not just like a [casual] dip, like a full on 90 degree bow.


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IU doing a 90 degree bow

He turned her down immediately, saying that he felt it was “emasculating” and that he would never bow to anyone. His fiancée explained that it is a part of Korean culture to do so. The man, however, did not budge on his refusal of her request.

I said I’d rather not since I found it emasculating and that i just don’t bow to anyone. She said that it was important to her culture, but I pointed out that she didn’t bow to my grandparents or parents. I just think it’s hypocritical to expect me to bow to her grandparents when she didn’t bow to mine. Her grandparents aren’t my superiors just because of their age, why should I have to bow?

She said it was just one tiny thing I could do to earn their respect, but I said if it was so tiny, it should be fine if I don’t. And that I respect myself and that’s why I’m not going to bow, and she was just going to have to respect my decision. She thinks I’m an assh*le for that. Am I the ass*hole?



Netizens on r/Korea were quick to answer his question with a resounding, “Yes.”

byu/waynamchoong from discussion

They were mortified at his denial, saying that in Korean culture showing in-laws respect is “a sign of humility and genuine respect” that would mean a great deal to them. There are even bows that reach the floor, so a 90 degree bow while standing is still a mild request.

byu/waynamchoong from discussion

A full bow | Korean Cultural Center New York

Not being able to do this request, many stated, is a red flag.

byu/waynamchoong from discussion

byu/waynamchoong from discussion

They noted that he had a “fragile concept of masculinity” and a “lack of culture competence.” They insisted that a bow is not an expression  of subservience but a significant sign of respect to both the grandparents and his girlfriend. In American culture, it would be similar to shaking one’s hands.

byu/waynamchoong from discussion

byu/waynamchoong from discussion

Cha Eunwoo doing a 90 degree bow

His choice of prioritizing his pride over his future wife shocked them especially since “it won’t kill [him]” to bow once at least for her sake.

byu/waynamchoong from discussion

byu/waynamchoong from discussion

As many netizens mentioned on the original post, rather than being emasculating, bowing 90 degrees to her grandparents is the more manly route.

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What are your thoughts on this issue?

Source: Reddit (1) and (2)
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