Then Vs. Now: Why Beomgyu’s Personality Drastically Changed Since Debuting In TXT

It all makes sense.

TXT‘s Beomgyu recently sat down for an interview with Weverse Magazine. He discussed his experience filming variety shows, preparing for year-end performances, what happiness means to him, and his changes in personality.

TXT’s Beomgyu

Regarding the latter, interviewer Lee Ye Jin noted, “You said you retested your MBTI a few months ago and this time you got Introverted.

Agreeing, Beomgyu explained that with the exception of how he acts around his members, his personality in general has changed drastically since debuting. For example, he used to frequently go out to meet with friends or go shopping whenever he had some free time.

I’m still mostly like I was whenever I’m around the other members, but my personality has changed a lot since debuting. It used to be that, if I had time off, I would go out no matter what, whether to see friends or go shopping by myself.

— Beomgyu

Currently, however, he rarely sees his friends and can count on one hand how many times he has met them. He even used to anticipate meeting new people, but now he feels awkward when he does so.

But ever since I debuted I can count on one hand how many times I’ve gone out to see friends. I used to really look forward to meeting new people; now I feel a little awkward in those situations.

— Beomgyu

But why the big change in personality? According to the “Suger Rush Ride” singer, it’s because he values his alone time now more than ever. As a K-Pop idol, he is constantly in the public eye, so he particularly enjoys having a moment’s peace for himself. It doesn’t happen too often, so he grabs the opportunity when he can.

I have a perpetually public-facing job so now I like spending my personal time quietly on my own. I think I like that sense of absence. (laughs)

— Beomgyu

Aside from Beomgyu, fellow TXT member Taehyun also sat down for an interview with Weverse Magazine. See what he had to say about learning new languages in the article below.

TXT’s Taehyun Has Two Unique Secrets To Learning New Languages In Record Time

Source: Weverse Magazine


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