A Fan Met B.I In The Rain — And It Turned Into A Real-life K-Drama

He’s an angel.

A fan shared her experience of running into former iKON member B.I and it’s something that most fans could only dream of happening to them.

Her story starts like any other day.

Yesterday was kind of rough for me because some things happened. So I took a day off from work and slept in like a log. When I got up, I was wondering how I should spend the day. My friend, who recently got a driver’s license, said we should go on a practice ride. Since I’d be putting my life on the line to get in that car, I insited that I get to choose the destination. So we ended up going to Gimpo!


However, she noticed something peculiar.

When we got there though, it was raining. My friend had no idea how to drive. It was chaos… We kept crawling… and like the GPS wasn’t helping. So we kind of gave up half way. While the GPS kept yelling that we’re going the wrong way, we decided to look for a restaurant. I was observing the buildings and people passing by when someone in a yellow outfit caught my eye. T-T


Upon closer look, she realized what she was seeing.

I wasn’t really paying attention when he passed by at first… but I noticed in the reflection in the side mirror that the guy in yellow had on a bracelet on his wrist that was holding up the umbrella. It rang a bell. So I looked back to make sure and as soon as I got a better look I screamed at my friend.




What happens next is straight out of a fairy tale.

My friend was freaking out. But I kept screaming, “Hurry, hurry!!!” I literally jumped off the car and ran toward the guy. (Seriously though… When was the last time I ran like that?) I gathered up every bit of courge left in me…

And said, “Hanbin…!?”


And he was surprised when he turned around. Yes, it was him. T-T As soon as our eyes met, I could feel my throat close up. I started crying as I told him, “Hanbin, I’m such a huge fan of yours…” T-T I couldn’t even get closer… That’s when he rushed toward me and put his umbrella over me. He pulled his mask down and said…

Hanbin: “Oh… Hello”

He said hello. T-T And he wasn’t sure what to do. T-T I’m sure I caught him off guard too…

Hanbin: “It’s okay… Don’t cry.”

He tried to make me feel better. T-T So I tried to calm myself down.


Hanbin: (Smiling) “It’s raining a lot… You shouldn’t be going around in the rain. Take this umbrella with you.”

And he made me hold his umbrella in my hand. T-T So I started crying even more. T-T I said

Me: “No… No!!! It’s okay, I’m okay!!!”

(I swear, that’s what I meant to say… but thinking back, I was crying so much that I don’t think I made any sense T-T)

I think I kept telling him, “It’s okay, Hanbin. I’m fine, Hanbin…” but he said–

Hanbin: (Smiling) “It’s okay.”

He tried to keep making me feel better.

Hanbin: “Please don’t cry, I’m so sorry…”

Then he wished us a safe trip back, as he ran off into the rain…


She comments on how B.I’s actions show he’s love for fans, not hesitating to give her his own umbrella in the pouring rain.

I’m really proud of being a fan of such a good person. (…) I don’t know how much longer it wil take… but I know Hanbin loves his fans. So he’ll come back when the time is right. I’m going to keep waiting.

It’s no wonder his fans continue to show him love and support to this day!


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