Big Hit Entertainment Clowning TXT’s Soobin’s Awards Speech Has Everyone Laughing

TXT aren’t the only ones having fun with Soobin.

In a post to Big Hit Entertainment‘s Twitter, they shared more than just the link to TXT‘s behind the scenes clip of their time at the Vlive Awards V Heartbeat.


Since Soobin had a funny mishap during their acceptance speech at that awards show, the company couldn’t pass up the chance to remind everyone of it.

It wasn’t what the Tweet said that captured fans’ attention. It was the last hashtag they’d added to it. In addition to adding the hashtag “Global Rookie,” they added “Global Shooky.” What is a Global Shooky, you ask?

Tomorrow By Together’s 2019 Vlive Awards Behind Story #GlobalRookieAward #GlobalShooky

When giving their acceptance speech, Soobin made an adorable mistake when pronouncing the name of the award they’d won. He’d said, “Global Shooky,” before making a face and correcting himself to, “Global Rookie.” It was such a funny moment that Yeonjun started cracking up right beside him.

Afterward, the rest of TXT couldn’t help but poke fun at Soobin’s mishap. Seeing Big Hit Entertainment do the same just showed MOAs how funny it truly was.

Speaking English isn’t a favorite of Soobin’s; in the past, he expressed how difficult it is for him. Moments like this show that it’s okay to make mistakes and turn them into funny moments. See Soobin make the adorable mistake that Big Hit Entertainment couldn’t resist mentioning.


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