BLACKPINK Lisa’s Fast English Rap In “LALISA” Almost Didn’t Push Through—Here’s What Changed Her Mind

She was hesitant to do it.

Hailed as one of the best female rappers in K-Pop, it’s no surprise BLACKPINK‘s Lisa impressed fans with her fast rapping in “LALISA,” particularly in the second verse.

In an interview with Billboard, she was asked about her experience while recording the verse which they described as one of her hardest and fastest raps so far.

On ‘Lalisa’ you experiment with a couple different flows, including some of your hardest and fastest raps to date. What was it like recording that second verse in particular?

— Billboard

Lisa revealed that when she first heard it, she genuinely believed that she wouldn’t be able do it. She told Teddy Park, the song’s producer, that it would be difficult for her to rap so quickly in English when Thai is her first language.

At first, when I heard the rap [on the demo], I was like, ‘Oh my God, I don’t think I can do this. I’m Thai—how can I rap in English that fast?

— Lisa

Teddy | Netflix

Teddy, however, insisted that she was fully capable of doing it. He encouraged her by saying, “No, you can!

Teddy (top) and Lisa (bottom)

Although hesitant, Lisa placed her belief in him and pushed herself to master it, practicing hard for an hour before she was confident enough to record it.

I practiced for an hour, and after that I went in to record. I pushed myself very hard to complete it.

— Lisa

Thanks to Lisa’s hard work, fans are now blessed with her incredible rapping in “LALISA!” When she puts her mind to something—even if it’s out of her comfort zone—she excels.

Source: Billboard


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