Here’s What Kicked Off BLACKPINK Lisa’s Love For Cats, According To Lisa Herself

They’re so sweet!

All fans of BLACKPINK‘s Lisa know that she’s a huge cat lover. She currently has five cats in the “L Family“—Leo, Luca, Lily, Louis, and Lego—and she loves all of them equally. In an interview on the Woody Show, she talked about her history with them in detail.


Lisa revealed that her love for the feline pet is not a new thing. In fact, she’s adored cats ever since she was young.

I’ve always had cats since I was in Grade 2 so they’re just more familiar to me.

— Lisa

She also seems to connect well with them over other animals. They both have chill and fiercely protective personalities especially towards their loved ones.

I feel like our personalities match well.

— Lisa

| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

In fact, she even allows the quintuplets to break some rules in her household. She sometimes lets them sleep on her bed even if it leaves it messy—that’s how much she loves them!

Sometimes [I let them sleep with me]. Because of their fur, I feel like if I sleep with them, their fur will be all over my blanket. So [I allow it] for just a little while and it’s time to leave.

— Lisa

| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

The “L Family” is so close, they even fight over things like any other set of relatives!

We fight over the pillow. Sometimes they sleep on top of my head and they’re so heavy but I put up with it.

— Lisa

They’re the sweetest!

| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Check out the full interview below.

Source: YouTube
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