BLACKPINK’s Rosé Reveals How Severe Her Reaction Is To Her Greatest Fear: Needles

Her reaction may surprise you.

BLACKPINK‘s Rosé is quite an honest idol, and she even once revealed her biggest fear and how severe her reaction can be to this fear.


During BLACKPINK’s guest appearance on Lee Hongki‘s Kiss The Radio, Jisoo and Jennie were asked, “What is Rosé most scared of?” The two struggled a bit with the question, and Jisoo thought that the answer was ghosts.

| pinkblacksubs/YouTube

However, the correct answer was injections.

| pinkblacksubs/YouTube

This also isn’t something that just Rosé is scared of, as Lisa is also afraid of injections.

| pinkblacksubs/YouTube

Rosé then spoke a bit about how severe her reaction can be when she gets injections. She shared that when she goes to the dermatologist, they often ask her how old she is due to her severe reaction towards needles!

| pinkblacksubs/YouTube

Here’s the full video below!


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