BLACKPINK’s Rosé Reveals Her Must-Have Birthday Traditions

For every birthday, here’s what she sticks to doing.

Celebrating a birthday comes once every year and only for one day, unless you’re celebrating a glamourous birthday week.

During an interview with Vogue KoreaBLACKPINK‘s Rosé revealed the traditions she tries her best to follow to make the most of it.

Since Rosé’s birthday was the day after the interview, the magazine wished her an early birthday and asked her to share a way she’d planned on celebrating. She cheerfully thanked them and jumped right into explaining the main tradition for her birthday.

Since it’s a special day, Rosé revealed, “Usually, I try not to work on my birthday.” Although scedules can determine which days she’ll be working, she does her best not to let it interfere with the day of her birthday, leaving that day free.

Luckily, everything had lined up perfectly for her birthday, “Thankfully, I don’t have any work planned for tomorrow.” Rosé clapped her hands and raised them in the air, excited.

Curious how she’d be spending it, the magazine asked if she’s already planned everything out.

Although Rosé wasn’t one hundred percent sure about the entire day, she knew there was one thing she could count on, “I think I’m just going to have dinner with my family.”

If you’ve ever wondered how Rosé spends her birthday, she’s most likely enjoying her day off with the people she’s closest to, surrounded by their love and support.

See Rosé share the birthday traditions she attempts to keep every year. Were they what you expected?


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