BTS’s Jimin Challenged His Acrophobia To A Game And Lost Big Time

He faced his fears, but it didn’t go so well.

It’s no coincidence that “heights” rhymes with “frights”. Just ask BTS‘s Jimin!


Jimin does fairly well on gravity-defying rides like this roller coaster…


…and this boat…


…but standing at the peak of a skyscraper is not his favourite thing. This is because Jimin suffers from acrophobia: the fear of heights.


On Episode 81 of Run BTS!, BTS faced off in a series of virtual reality (VR) games. One of these games involved snatching cake from a precarious plank. (Because, you know, that’s a totally logical place to find a cake…).


Jimin bravely stepped out on the plank…


…even though it was terrifying.


He was doing okay until he suddenly wasn’t. Jimin made the mistake of jumping and ending up plummeting to the ground, in both the game and real life!


In the end, Jimin was able to have his cake and eat it too…


…but instead of taking the game’s elevator, he took one last leap! Luckily, this didn’t affect his outcome. Jimin still passed the game with flying colors, even if he couldn’t quite master his fears.


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