BTS Checked Each Other’s Abs On Set, Because Why Not

RM, V, J-Hope, and Jin compared abs on set.

Jungkook is BTS‘s undisputed Abs King, but how are his members’ abs doing these days? Inquiring minds want to know — for science, obviously.


Since these superstars are constantly dancing and exercising, fans know they’ve got abs, even if they’re not flashing them 24/7.


On August 16, BangtanTV dropped a behind the scenes video for BTS’s collaboration with UNICEF. The inspirational video, which encourages viewers to be kind to others, was released on International Friendship Day (July 30).


This video’s on the serious side, but–as always–BTS got silly on set. At one point, RMJ-HopeV, and Jin entertained themselves by checking each other’s abs. Why? More like, why not?


According to RM, V’s abs are as hard as an iron plate, so his new workouts must be paying off!


They all complimented each other, but they were especially interested in J-Hope’s abs. Unfortunately, the editors blocked ARMY’s view with a censor blur…


…so here’s a photo to make up for it.


Find out more about BTS’s UNICEF shoot here:


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