BTS’s Jimin Turns Into The Sweetest Mama’s Little Boy At The Jewelry Shop

The cutest son award goes to Jimin.

On a recent episode of Run BTS!, BTS‘s Jimin was up against all his teammates in a game of finding star cards. As focused as he was on winning the mission, Jimin couldn’t help but miss his mom for a few seconds when he ended up in a jewelry shop.


Jimin wandered into a fancy accessories store in search of star cards. When he realized of all the shining shimmering goodness around him, he immediately thought of his mother. He began thinking out loud – and what he mentioned about his mother has all ARMYs swooning at what a good son he is to his family!

Places like this, I need to bring my mother. ‘Here, mom. Pick whatever you want. Oh that’s hard? Just pick everything then, I’ll buy them all for you. We’ll take everything here.’ I wish I could do that for her.

— Jimin


This isn’t the first time Jimin was caught being the sweetest little mama’s boy on camera. In 2018, at the airport while awaiting departure to Las Vegas for the Billboard Music Awards, Jimin was talking to his mom on the phone. While the person being filmed in the video was RM, Jimin’s conversation was recorded – and the way he sounds like the most loving and caring son in the universe has left the fans feeling soft AF.

Yeah, mom. I’m leaving soon. I’m at the airport. Yeah. Don’t skip any meals, okay mom?

— Jimin


The way Jimin is constantly thinking about or getting in touch with his mom shows that he loves her to infinity and beyond! And we love this good, good boy who loves his mom so dearly.


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