BTS’s Jin Was As Extra As Ever At “THE FACT Music Awards”

Jin made the show 10x more entertaining, just by being himself.

The party doesn’t start until Jin walks in, and the same is true for award shows!


On April 24, BTS attended the first U+5G THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS. They were the first-ever winners of the show’s “Artist of the Year” award, “U+ Idol Live Popularity Award”, “Best Album” award, and the “THE FACT Music Daesang”.


Throughout the show, BTS gave fans many entertaining moments. Many of those were thanks to Jin’s endless supply of extraness. It all started at a red carpet interview when he did this goofy aegyo…


…that made burst out laughing!


At the show, Jin had plenty of Jin moments too. He made awkward eye contact with this camera…


…moved his legs in the least subtle way possible…


…and gave the best reactions…


…when BTS won their awards!


Check out what else BTS’s members were up to at THE FACT Music Awards here.

Fans Are Dying To Know What Jungkook Whispered To J-Hope On Stage


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