Jin Schools BTS About Something They Still Don’t Understand: His Fashion

He defended his questionable style in “Break The Silence: The Movie”.

BTS‘s Jin wears whatever he wants whenever he wants, no matter what his members say about it!

| Big Hit Three Sixty/Break The Silence: The Movie

From leaving price tags on his shoes…

| Big Hit Entertainment

…to showing up to Music Bank dressed like this, Jin is a trailblazing fashionista.

It’s been years, but Jin’s members still don’t understand his unique fashion sense. In BTS’s Break The Silence: The Movie Commentary Package VOD, they questioned his style yet again.

When J-Hope poked fun at Jin’s sunglasses and hat combo, Jin playfully defended it. “That’s the key point,” he said. “You guys don’t get it.” 

RM compared Jin’s amusement park look to one of his pre-debut photos

Jin in “Break The Silence: The Movie” | Big Hit Three Sixty/Break The Silence: The Movie

…and, well, he might be on to something!

Jin posing with a tourist | @Architaxsharma/Twitter

For more funny moments from Break The Silence: The Movie, check out BTS’s reaction to Jungkook‘s shirtless sceneRM as President of Brazil, and Jin’s reaction to his brother’s surprise cameo here:

Here’s How BTS’s Jin Reacted To His Brother’s Surprise Cameo


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