BTS’s Social Butterfly Jin Proves He’s Friends With Everybody…Again

There’s just no stopping him.

BTS‘s oldest member, Jin, is also one of their most social, and he can’t help making friends wherever he goes.


His circle of friends includes numerous idols and celebrities…

BTS’s Jin and Ji Suk Jin Show Off Their Close Friendship


…and it seems to be growing wider all the time! Even though fans know Jin loves everybody and everybody loves Jin, many were still surprised to see just how many friends he made at 2018 Gayo Daechukje. 

  • Was he always this kind of person? He’s full of charms..ㅋㅋ
  • Our Seokjin is popular..ㅋㅋㅋ I can’t stop laughing..ㅋㅋㅋ


Jin hugged it out with actor Cha Seungwon


…had a quick chat with Lee Byunghun


…and even went out of his way to bring Norazo‘s Jo Bin to center stage.


Jin locked arms with his senior and pulled him right into BTS’s wild dance party!


The two had an absolute blast together!


It just goes to show that Jin truly is the most social of social butterflies…


…no matter how much he denies it!

BTS’s Jin Said He Has No Friends, Here’s What Happened Next


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