“Jin Hit” Boldly Negotiated With BTS’s Staff To Get His Way Again

Jin made his own rules again.

Everybody loves a rebel, especially when that rebel is the self-appointed CEO of “JinHit Entertainment”.


BTS‘s Jin doesn’t follow the rules; he’s famous for breaking them and remaking them. Whether it’s cutting his own hair or picking his own outrageous outfits, Jin loves testing the limits.


Now, another sassy moment had been added to the never-ending Jin vs Staff saga. In Episode 72 of Run BTS!, BTS played the Mafia game: a battle of wits that involves persuasion, betrayal, and “murder” for the sake of self-preservation.


Before the game began, each member was secretly given a mission to carry out. The staff assigned hugging J-Hope as Jin’s mission, but Jin found that problematic.


He proposed that the hug should be a handshake instead…


…but a different person was already going to have that mission.


Rather than accepting his fate, Jin told the staff to make him ‘that person’ because he wanted to win!


Spoken like a true CEO!


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