There Is A BTS Jin, Then There Is A Hamster Jin And We Can’t Get Enough Of Both

The resemblance is uncanny.

In the world of Twitter, there is an account dedicated to tweeting about BTS‘s Jin and his striking resemblance to a hamster.


And the pictures tweeted by this account are leaving more and more ARMYs convinced that Jin is – weirdly enough – this hamster in human form.


The account, by the handle of @jinashamster – which is pretty self-explanatory, shares pictures of Jin and his hamster equivalent.


The similarities in the pictures tweeted by this account never fail to amaze ARMYs and the account’s 18.4K followers.


Korean fans refer to this account has “Ham-pha Go”, coined after the computer program AlphaGo – which is an artificial intelligence that picks up and learns after human Go players, and love the tweets featuring Hamsters taking after Jin.


ARMYs have always compared Jin to having hamster-like features, but this Twitter account really steps up the comparison game with these most adorable and ultimately hilarious side-by-side pictures.


Intrigued? Take a deep dive into the Hamster-verse. But beware, the comparisons are so good, they’ll captivate you. You won’t see an exit out of this hamster hole!


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