BTS’s Jin Splurged On A Brand New Outfit Because J-Hope Hadn’t Done So Yet

Jin shared the full story behind his oversized denim coat.

In Bon Voyage 4‘s first Story Untold upload, sharing behind the scene cuts from the episode, BTS members were captured praising Jin on his excellent “airport fashion” outfit choice.


Dressed in an oversized denim coat from Balenciaga, Jin looked as awesome as ever — and his fellow members thoroughly liked the new look!

You’re dressed really nicely today.

— Jimin


Jin proudly commented that he went shopping and bought the new outerwear for the new season of Bon Voyage!

I went shopping just for today.

— Jin


Here’s a closer look at the outfit, later captured in press photos as Jin departed from Incheon International Airport:

The salesperson said to wear it with the sleeves rolled up…

— Jin


When J-Hope commented that the coat isn’t his “usual style”, Jin agreed and said he ended up splurging because…


… when he asked if J-Hope had bought the coat yet, the salesperson said no — and that’s all Jin needed to hear before dropping the funds!

I asked if a buddy named J-Hope came by to buy this by any chance and the salesperson said no. So I bought it!

— Jin


Looks like for Jin, it doesn’t take much to make fashion decisions: Is it something J-Hope would wear? Yes. Does J-Hope have it? No. Well then, that’s a done deal. SOLD!


Watch the short clip here:

Source: THEQOO


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