You Won’t Survive BTS Jungkook’s Extreme Close-Ups, Because Damn 

Call an ambulance before you click on this.

Somebody at FILA woke up and chose violence on the day they filmed BTS!

Jungkook | @fila_korea/Twitter

In a new commercial, FILA gets up close and personal with each one of the BTS members to advertise…something. What’s the product? I have no idea. The models are too distracting.

Shortly after the video was released, Jungkook became a trending topic. Fans all over the world are falling in love with his “boyfriend material” look, and it’s easy to see why. That hoodie. That smirk…

If handsomeness is a weapon, Jungkook is armed to the teeth, and he’s showing ARMY no mercy.

WARNING: If you watch this ad on full-screen, your heart might actually explode, and you might actually die…

but is it worth it? Yes. (I’m a ghost typing this article from beyond the grave. Boo.)

Really, somebody should be sued for this. The visuals, the angles, the extreme temptation to ignore all your responsibilities and just stare at these gifs…

It’s too much!

Do you want to know what else is too much? Are you ready? Can you handle it? Are you prepared to be hurt in the best possible way? I will tell you, or rather…

…show you. Every one of FILA’s Jungkook cuts is a masterpiece…

…that deserves to be passed down to future generations…

…but FILA’s not the only one coming for our necks. DiconVariety, and more love to torment ARMY with Jungkook’s utterly perfect, mega close-ups…

…and we’re grateful for it!

Source: The Qoo


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