BTS Jungkook Is The Jekyll And Hyde Of K-Pop And We Love Every Bit Of Him To Death

BTS Jungkook has more than one personality and we love him all the more for it.

BTS‘s Golden Maknae, Jungkook, has two very different sides to his personality. This is no secret to his stans, who have suffered from the idol’s Jekyll-Hyde tendencies for years.


The first side is “Bunny Kook”. Bunny Kook is adorkable and sweet…


“Muscle Pig” is hot enough to melt a thermostat!


What can fans do to avoid getting emotional whiplash? Unfortunately, not much.  Jungkook switches sides without any warning and shows no signs of stopping.


Whenever Bunny Kook pokes his cute head out of his burrow…


…Muscle Pig stampedes onto the scene.


An innocent smile can easily transform into…


…a sizzling smolder.


Then turn back again!


In the blink of an eye, silly becomes…




Dorky becomes…




For Jungkook stans, the struggle is real. There is no end to their suffering…

…but they like it that way!


Source: YouTube (1), (2), (3) and (4)
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