BTS Jungkook’s Manners Towards Crewhands Showed His True Personality

He deserves all the praise he gets.

BTS‘s Jungkook has more than earned his nickname “best boy!”

BTS’s Jungkook | @1397Myjungkook/Twitter

BTS appeared on The Late Late Show with James Corden, and they filmed a crosswalk concert segment. During this segment, they filmed performances of “Dynamite,” “Permission to Dance,” and “Butter” in the middle of a crosswalk while cars were stopped at a red light.

| @HlywdPipeline/Twitter

A few lucky fans were stopped at the light where BTS was performing, and they shared pictures and videos on Twitter.

The crosswalk concert aired in an episode of The Late Late Show, and ARMYs couldn’t wait because the performances look amazing from what’s been seen so far on social media. Although the performances were certainly eye-catching, Jungkook’s actions during filming caught ARMYs eyes, too.

| @seokjinniekiwi/Twitter

After each performance, the members ran to the sidewalk to get out of the way of oncoming traffic.

| theultimatedodo/YouTube

After BTS performed “Butter,” Jungkook ran to the sidewalk with everyone else.

| D-inet Info/YouTube 

While the members raced toward the sidewalk, the crew moved the props out of the crosswalk so the cars could drive away.

| D-inet Info/YouTube 

Jungkook must have noticed the staff struggling to move the props quickly. He ran back out into the street to help the crew carry them. He helped them drag a massive prop back to the sidewalk.

| D-inet Info/YouTube 

ARMYs loved seeing Jungkook’s kindness in action and talked about the thoughtful moment on Twitter.


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