BTS’s Jungkook Has The Kind Of Parents That Everybody Needs

They made him the man he is today.

Unfortunately, many people don’t have parents who support their dreams. BTS‘s Jungkook, on the other hand, was raised by a mother and father who gave him the freedom he needed to become who he was meant to be.


In a live broadcast, Jungkook shared a childhood story that gives fans a peek into his upbringing. It all started with a spelling test and a little dishonesty.


“When I was little,” Jungkook began. “I cheated on a spelling test and I got into a lot of trouble. I got a really good spanking.”


“My mom…I’m not sure what she told me, to be honest, but I think it was something like, “I don’t care if you get 100 or 0 on your tests. I don’t care about that. But the issue here is that you cheated.” I made a big mistake. Why am I talking about this?” 


“Anyway, my parents were like that. When I was young, no matter what I did, they let me be and do whatever I wanted to do.”


“They only scolded me and corrected me when I did things that were obviously wrong.”


“So, up until now, I’ve never been under a huge amount of stress. So I’m really grateful for that. To my parents.”


“They let me do what I really wanted to do.”


“I’m so grateful,” he said. “I’m really grateful for that.”  


Check out the clip here:


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