BTS Couldn’t Stop Laughing About Jimin’s Birth Flower, Here’s Why

It has an unintentionally dirty double meaning.

Jimin‘s BTS members had a little fun at his expense in the latest episode of Run BTS!

In Episode 99, BTS learned about floral arrangements from South Korea’s hottest floristIsaac.  When asked, Jimin revealed that his birth flower is spirea, also known as “bridal wreath” for its frequent use in weddings.

According to Isaac, “bridal wreath” symbolizes “neat love”…

…so why did it give BTS giggle fits?

In Korea, “bridal wreath” is 조팝나무 (jopabnamu), but BTS heard 좆밥나무 (jojbabnamu). This roughly translates to “dead skin of a penis”. How’s that for a Korean lesson?

Jimin told his members to quit laughing, but this dirty wordplay was just too funny!

The show’s editors could have edited out Jimin’s birth flower segment, but fans are thankful that it was left in.

It’s giving everyone a good laugh!

Find out more about BTS’s birth flowers here.

These Are BTS Members’ Birth Flowers, And Their Symbolism Will Make You Soft


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