BTS Members Learn From And Respect Jin’s Continuous Efforts In Vocals And Dancing
BTS‘s Jin is the oldest member of the group and originally was not someone who was working towards a dream in singing. But after being scouted, he decided to take this route and knew that he would have to work twice as hard to keep up with the other members.
“Before I became a trainee at around 20, 21 years old, I didn’t have much interest in singing. I didn’t sing at all until 20, 21 years old when I started and although I didn’t have much skill I worked really hard practicing in order to show growth and progression in my singing.”
20살, 21살 연습생 되기 전까지는
노래에 전혀 흥미가 없어서
노래를 전혀 안 부르고 있다가
21살, 20살 이때부터 노래를 시작하게 되었는데
재능이 그렇게 특출난 편은 아니지만
그래도 열심히 연습을 해서 조금씩 더 성장하는 모습을
많이 보여드리려고 노력을 하고 있어요— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) April 26, 2020
Jimin was even shocked at how much Jin had improved and felt that his voice could now match any genre.
“When we were recording for this album I felt that Jin’s voice got so much better. I was so shocked. Before, he would get stressed because of his voice but now it feels like he could use his voice for any genre because he has gotten so much better.”
이번 앨범 녹음할 때도 저는 진 형 목소리가 너무 좋아진 거야.
그래서 좀 충격이었어요.
목소리가.. 예전같은 경우에는 좀 진 형도
혼자서 스트레스 되게 많이 받고 그랬었는데
이제는 솔직히 어떤 장르에 갖다 녹음을 해놔도
목소리가 너무 좋아서 되게 잘 어울리는 것 같다는 생각을 너무 많이 했지— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) April 26, 2020
J-Hope: I feel like Jin’s live vocals has changed so much. I feel like he’s gotten much stronger at it.
Jimin: It was the first time I felt that ‘a person can really grow’ and I wanted to do better after seeing that. I thought to myself, “these are the people that are helping me grow.”
🐿️ 진 형이 라이브적으로 뭔가 많이 는 것 같아요.
뭔가 좀 더 보컬이 좀 탄탄해졌다고 해야 될까요?🐥 정말 '사람이라는 게 성장이라는 걸 하는구나' 를 처음 느꼈고,
그걸 보면서 더 잘 하고 싶다고 생각하는 저를 보면서
'아, 이 사람들이 나를 키우는구나' 생각을 했는데…— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) April 26, 2020
Jimin: Compared to when he started to the Japan tour he has improved so much.
Jungkook: He totally killed the MR.
Jimin: Right. Everyone improved and did well but Jin shined the most in his improvement. During this album recording I was shocked after hearing how good his voice was.
🐥 처음 시작할때에 비해서
이제 일본 투어 할때는 엄청 늘어있었거든요.🐰 진 형이 거의 MR을 씹어먹었죠.
🐥 그쵸. 다들 엄청 늘고 다들 너무 좋아졌는데,
진 형이 눈에 띄게 많이 늘지 않았나 싶더라구요.
이번 앨범 녹음할때도 목소리가 너무 좋아서
좀 충격을 받은 일이 있었습니다.— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) April 26, 2020
Jungkook also felt that although they don’t see him practicing, he always comes back improved and better the next time they practice together.
“He is always working hard by himself. I don’t see him practicing when I’m around but he always brings the best outcome when it comes time to. I think Jin is the one who has improved the most. I think it’s through this that I realized that Jin is also someone who has the pride and the passion.”
뒤에서는 어쨌든 열심히 노력을 했으니까.
연습하는 게 눈에 보이지는 않거든요?
뭔가 눈에 띄게 연습하는 모습들이.
근데 결과물로 어쨌든 보여주는 형인 거 같아요.
진 형이 제일 많이 는 거 같아요.그 형한테도 내가 몰랐던 욕심이나 열정이 많은 형이었구나
이런 걸 좀 느끼게 됐었던 거 같고.— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) April 26, 2020
“With Jin, he is someone who puts in a lot of effort. Although we don’t see it upfront, I always hear from others that he was practicing by himself in his hotel room late into the night. I think he has a strong mental state regardless of if he has a weak side on the inside. He always seems strong the way he cares for each of the members…”
진형같은 경우는 굉장히 노력을 많이 해줘요.
앞에서는 잘 안 보인다고 하지만
뒤에서는 저도 얘기를 들으면
호텔방에서 혼자 새벽까지
계속 연습하는 형도 진형이고..진형의 멘탈은 강한 사람인 거 같아요.
속에는 약한 모습일지 모르겠지만
멤버들한테는 멘탈이 강한 사람처럼 하나하나 챙겨주고..— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) April 26, 2020
Jin continues to practice even if he is scared to in order to become better and not be a burden to the other members.
“I danced every day without ever skipping a day. This is my state right now and I guess I was so scared to always be moving my body and moving to the beat…”
단 하루도 빼놓지 않고 춤을 췄었어요.
그게 지금 이 상태인데,
몸을 움직여야 됀다, 리듬을 타야 됀다,
이게 너무 저한테는 무서웠어요…— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) April 26, 2020
We can see in a past vlog from January 4, 2014, he has always been putting in the effort since the beginning to avoid being a burden to the team.
“I think it’s because I don’t have a lot of muscle in my body so in order to make muscles, I worked out every day. Maybe I will be able to dance well after I’ve made enough muscles on my body? This is my small little hope that I have…will it be possible?”
내 생각에는 몸에 근육이 없기 때문이라고 생각하는데
그래서 근육을 만들기 위해
정말 단 하루도 빠짐없이 매일 운동을 하고 있다내 몸에도 근육이 생기는 날이 온다면
혹시나 춤을 잘 출 수 있게 되지 않을까 하고
엄청나게 작은 기대를 한번 해 본다
어, 무리,려나…?2014년 1월 4일 진의 로그
— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) April 26, 2020
Even after he has improved so much since the beginning, he continues to think that it’s not enough and that he has a long way to go.
Jin: My ability to grasp the choreo is much slower than the other members.
V: No, don’t say that!
Jungkook: No you’re not!
Jin: How do you all know that?
Jimin: We know best. We’re the ones beside you.
Jin: My ability to grasp it can be a bit slow.
V: It’s not really!
Jimin: Jin you’ve always done well.
🐹 제가 또 안무 습득 능력이
다른 친구들보다 조금 떨어지지 않습니까?🐯🐰 아닙니다!
🐰 잘 하잖아요!
🐯 그런 말 하지 마세요!🐹 그걸 댁들이 어떻게 알아요?
🐥 저희가 제일 잘 알죠. 옆에 사람들인데.🐹 습득 능력은 조금 떨어질 수 있죠.
🐯 아니에요! 진짜.
🐥 형은 언제든지 잘 했어요.— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) April 26, 2020
The other members of the group have learned so much from Jin’s constant hard work and efforts as well as his mindset on life.
“Jin is someone that knows exactly what it is that makes him happy.”
석진이 형이야말로 자기가 뭘 하면 행복한지 정확히 알고 있는 사람.
— Dorothy (@dorothy130613) February 15, 2020
We as fans are always here to support Jin and his constant growth and improvement in his craft. The fans and the members know best how far he has come to be where he stands now.