BTS Thought They Were Being Pranked, But They Were 100% Wrong

They just couldn’t believe this was happening to them.

Have you ever had a “pinch me” moment because reality was just too good to be true? BTS has, more than once!

On April 5, BangtanTV released a behind the scenes episode of BTS practicing for and performing at the 2019 Melon Music Awards (MMA). On that history day, BTS took home 8 awards, including all 4 grand prizes.

During their speeches, RM‘s mentioned 2013 MMA and 2016 MMA, two of BTS’s most memorable early wins.

“You all remember MMA 2013, right? We won “Best New Artist Award” and thought it was a prank because they called our name.” 

After winning this award, BTS ran through the backstage halls, high on excitement and thrilled beyond belief.

“And we received “Album of the Year Award” in 2016, and thought that was a prank too because they said “Wings”.” 

BTS? Wait, we’re BTS! The members were overcome with emotion as RM thanked their families, agency, and ARMY for helping them win. It was the first time they had ever won “Album of the Year”.

“And now it’s 2019,” RM continued. “Really, 3, 6, 9. We’re almost at the end of the decade of our debut. Us seven, we already have seven years under our belts.” 

BTS has worked so hard and come so far in just seven years. No matter how much they pinch themselves, they won’t be waking up. They’re living the dream!

Watch the full episode here.


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