BTS Recorded Their “Dark & Wild” Album In A Garage, Here’s An Inside Look

Like BTS, their debut album has humble beginnings.

BTS have become one of the most successful music acts of all time, but life was much different in their rookie days.

| Variety

On August 20, 2014, BTS released their first album, Dark & Wild. Recording began in South Korea, then moved to the United States, where BTS filmed their reality show American Hustle Life at the same time.

In a Q&A with Pitchfork, BTS talked about how intense their schedule was. In addition to filming and recording, they also had to practice their choreography on hardly any sleep. The members would sneak off to the bathroom just to nap.

Most of the recording for Dark & Wild happened in Los Angeles, California, in a modest garage studio that belonged to a friend of Big Hit Entertainment‘s CEO Bang Si Hyuk.

| Big Hit Entertainment
| Big Hit Entertainment

Here, BTS recorded their lead single “Danger”…

…their second single, “War of Hormone”, and more.

When they weren’t recording, the members were practicing their parts…

…writing lyrics…

…memorizing lyrics…

…and taking a much needed moment to relax.

Little did they know that all their hard work, passion, and perseverance would pay off in a big way. From “Danger” to “Dynamite”, these humble kings were born to shine!


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