BTS RM’s Loving Message For Himself 5 Years From Now Inspires All ARMYs

“Wherever you are, whatever you are doing…”

BTS have been advocates of the idea to “Love Yourself”. Thanks to that, ARMYs find inspiration daily from the way members treat themselves and each other with undying trust and support.


And in an interview done for the official fan club magazine published in Japan, RM set another example of how to completely embrace oneself, by sending himself the most heartwarming message.


The prompt asked RM to imagine himself five years from now and send that RM a message. To this prompt, RM reassured the future-RM that he still has full control of his own life — and that he is, nonetheless, still the most important thing to himself.

I want to tell that RM, ‘Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you know yourself the best. You also love yourself the most.’

— RM


RM also pointed out that he would have told the same thing to RM from five years ago. For RM, believing in himself — in the choices he made/makes — is the most important aspect of self-love and self-growth.

That’s something I would’ve said to myself five years ago too. Believing in yourself is the most important thing. And I want to strive to achieve my best so that I can continue to believe in myself.

— RM


While the message went out to RM in 2024, it was delivered to all BTS fans. And RM’s words of endless encouragement and support for himself, and ultimately his fans, continue to inspire a million ARMYs to give the same for themselves.

20+ Of BTS RM’s Wisest Quotes To Live By

Source: THEQOO


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