The Wildest Dating Rumors Actor Sung Hoon Had To Shut Down

Everything wasn’t what it seemed.

Over the years, handsome actor Sung Hoon has been caught up in several dating rumors. Here are the wildest ones he couldn’t help but shut down.

Sung Hoon | @sunghoon1983/Instagram

After former SECRET member Song Ji Eun and Sung Hoon starred together in the 2017 K-Drama My Secret Romance, it was reported that the two stars took their romance off-screen in 2018.

Song Ji Eun and Sung Hoon.

Sung Hoon’s company Stallion Entertainment immediately denied the reports, explaining that they were merely close friends. Being close friends didn’t put out the fire of Sung Hoon’s dating rumors, though.

It’s not true. They’re nothing more, or less, than just close friends.

They became friends after starring in the same drama. They only meet once in a while and talk. There’s nothing more than that.

— Stallion Entertainment

Sung Hoon’s close friendship with comedian Park Na Rae came into question as something more when they shared a few “romantic” moments at a 2020 awards show.

Sung Hoon holding the train of Park Na Rae’s dress.
Sung Hoon hugging Park Na Rae.

Although Sung Hoon jokingly replied, “No comment,” when asked about having a girlfriend, it sparked even more rumors. Eventually, his company released a statement to clarify that he was single and not dating Park Na Rae. However, that didn’t stop speculation about the two close friends.

Sung Hoon doesn’t have a girlfriend, but he recently started wishing that he had someone these days. The ‘No Comment’ answer he gave during the interview was just a joke.

— Stallion Entertainment

On May 15, 2023, a rumor circulated about Sung Hoon and Park Na Rae being spotted at an emergency room. They were seeking treatment for a medical accident allegedly caused by doing “NSFW activities” together. As usual, Stallion Entertainment quickly shut down the rumor as false.

We inform you that rumors related to Sung Hoon, which are currently spreading in some online communities and social network services, are clearly false.

We will take strong legal measures because we cannot tolerate the current situation that damages the reputation of the actor and causes not only the parties but also the family members to suffer… We are monitoring and tracking the IP of the distributors.

— Stallion Entertainment

However, the rumors became so malicious that Park Na Rae’s company JDB Entertainment also threatened legal action against those spreading false information.

We will take legal action against all acts, such as the initial creation and dissemination of malicious rumors, expanding and reproducing groundless facts, and there will be no consultation or leniency… JDB Entertainment will do its best to protect the rights and interests of its artists.

— JDB Entertainment

| @wooju1025/Instagram

The two talented women weren’t the only ones reportedly linked to Sung Hoon. In 2020, the actor was rumored to be dating singer-turned-actress Son Dam Bi. During a surprise live broadcast, she denied the rumors. Little did everyone know, she would soon meet her husband.

There are lots of foreign fans here. They keep talking about Sung Hoon, but he’s just a really good friend of mine. He’s a really good friend: period.

But we’re really not in that kind of relationship. We’re really not. We’re good friends.

— Son Dam Bi

Son Dam Bi and her husband. | @xodambi/Instagram

Sung Hoon is truly a social butterfly for being close friends with many of the industry’s talented actresses and entertainers.

| @sunghoon1983/Instagram
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