Even More Recent Proof That Jungkook’s Love For IU Is Beyond Every Other Fanboy

It’s no secret that BTS’s Jungkook is one of IU’s biggest fanboy.

But a new video from a fan showed a new depth to Jungkook’s love for IU and her music!

Fans at the 2017 MMAs caught Jungkook remaining in his seat to listen to IU’s performance of “Through the Night”, while most of his members went to prepare for their upcoming stage.

His appreciation for IU’s music was clear when he lost himself in the lyrics as he swayed and closed his eyes.

He truly seemed to feel the music with all his heart as he didn’t even realize that he had his eyes closed!

He literally knew every one of the lyrics to her songs!

Even his older brothers Jin and Jimin couldn’t help but chuckle at their maknae’s fanboy love for IU.

Jungkook eventually had to report backstage to prepare for his performance, which meant missing IU’s 2nd song. And he didn’t like it!

“Jungkook seems sorry that IU’s second performance’s ended lol He’s so cute.”

— @cookiemini486

Some joked that their hearts won’t be able to take BTS members falling in love with someone.

He’s proven his fanboy status for IU time and time again.

Jungkook’s Reaction To IU At The 2017 MMA Proves He’s The Biggest Fanboy

And everyone thought it couldn’t get any clearer than the way Jungkook was too nervous to sit next to IU at the recent Melon Music Awards.

Jungkook Got To Sit Next To IU At Melon Music Awards And This Is How He Reacted

Here’s to hoping that Jungkook gets to collaborate with his favorite artist one day!

Check out the full videos covering Jungkook’s appreciation for IU’s music!

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