EXID’s Hyerin Responds to a Hate Comment on One of Her Food Photos

“Looks like you gave up on music. Don’t you have any talent? All you do is upload photos of food.” – Netizen

EXID‘s Hyerin recently posted a photo of a delicious-looking meal on her official Instagram account, but she, unfortunately, received a hate comment to which she responded.

In response to the photos of what appears to be Pho, one netizen left a hate comment targeting Hyerin’s talent.

Looks like you gave up on music. Don’t you have any talent? All you do is upload photos of food.

– Netizen

And in response, Hyerin showed off her easygoing attitude by commenting, “Yeah. I have a talent for taking photos of food.

It’s good to see Hyerin brushing off haters and not letting their malicious comments get to her.

Here’s hoping Hyerin continues to do whatever she wants no matter what haters say.

Source: Dispatch


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