EXO’s Baekhyun Sent Suho A Double Dose Of Support For His Musical

Baekhyun sent Suho a whole lot of love and support:

Fans have been anticipating the return of “Myeonwynplaine” ever since they learned EXO‘s Suho would be coming reprising his role as Gwynplaine in “The Man Who Laughs”. When Suho had his first performance this season, however, fans didn’t just get to see Suho make his stunning return to the theatre but they also got to witness Baekhyun‘s sweet support of his hyung!


On January 10, EXO-Ls who went to the first show reported seeing Baekhyun among the crowd and even being one of the first people to give the cast a standing ovation at the end of the night.


While reports of Baekhyun being there to cheer on his hyung were already sweet enough things got even sweeter! Baekhyun recently took to Instagram to give even more support to his hyung. Posting a selca from the venue Baekhyun wrote, “The musical ‘The Man Who Laughs’ was really fun. To all the actors who showed us a good performance and to our Suho hyung whom I love, fighting!!


Suho also posted an adorable selca as an Instagram story of them together at the show captioning the moment with, “I love you Baekhyun!

Suho wrote “I love you Baekyon” which is a cute way to write Baekhyun’s name in Korea. Image credit: @kimjuncotton/Instagram


The sweet Instagram posts and Baekhyun’s support for his hyung have been hitting everyone right in the feels and it’s easy to see why!


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