Chanyeol Finally Revealed The Real Reason His And Kai’s Haunted House Trip Was Cut From “EXO’s Showtime”

The mystery has finally been solved!

For almost 7 years there’s been one mystery that EXO-L have tried hard to solve — the mystery of why Chanyeol and Kai were edited from the haunted house episode of EXO’s Showtime. And now, thanks to Chanyeol, that longtime mystery has finally been solved!

Image: SM Super Idol League

Back in 2013, EXO starred in their first reality show called EXO’s Showtime. This reality show gave a behind-the-scenes look into EXO’s daily life and served as many fans’ first introduction into what EXO were really like off the stage.

Although the show itself has become a go-to classic for new and old fans, episode 10 has become an absolute favorite among fans. In this episode, EXO had to make their way through a haunted house in pairs and in the process, they supplied fans with plenty of hilarious content.  At the same time, it also sparked the big mystery since Kai and Chanyeol were the only pair to have their trip through the haunted house edited out of the program.

While fans have long debated why they were edited out, during Chanyeol’s latest SM Super Idol League broadcast he finally cleared everything up! Knowing that fans suspected their portion was cut because they had cursed a little too much, Chanyeol revealed that wasn’t the case at all.

Image: SM Super Idol League 

Since only our part was cut, I saw people say things like, ‘Maybe they cursed so it got edited out’ but that wasn’t it.

— Chanyeol

The real reason Chanyeol and Kai didn’t make the cut was because they ended up talking the wrong path through the haunted house and even bumped into the staff who were getting ready!

Image: SM Super Idol League 

We actually took the wrong route and even bumped into the people who were getting ready. We ended up going into random places like in between the wooden boards but we were still startled by everything.

— Chanyeol

And because of their completely wrong route, the cameras really didn’t catch a lot of their trip through so ultimately it was edited out!

Image: SM Super Idol League 

There weren’t even cameras filming us, so I guess they didn’t air our part since there wasn’t anything to see.

— Chanyeol

With Chanyeol finally revealing the secret behind the big mystery, EXO-L have been reacting with everything from disbelief to lots of laughter.

After almost 7 years it looks like it’s finally case closed for this mystery!


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