EXO’s Chen Has Just Ended The “CBX” Fight With Chanyeol Once And For All

Chen is coming for Chanyeol’s rapper position:

There’s been a big battle waging among two of the EXO members on Travel Around the World on EXO’s Ladder and it’s all been revolving around the true “C” of CBX!


It all started with Chanyeol being teamed up with Baekhyun and Xiumin on the show and has resulted in Chanyeol teasing Chen mercilessly that he is the true “C” of the EXO subunit!


Although Chen did already prove he’s ready to fight for his rightful place in the subunit, he still hasn’t been able to stop Chanyeol’s continuous insistence that he’s a part of the group…


Until now, that is! During a recent episode of the show, the members were challenged with singing a song with the lyrics they were given and when one song came up, Chen didn’t hesitate to bust out some rap!


Chen’s epic rap left fans feeling like he had finally come up with the ultimate retaliation, coming for Chanyeol’s rap line position!


Of course, Chen also proved he’s the original “C” when he sang with Xiumin and Baekhyun! And with that, the fight over the “C” in CBX is finally over!


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