EXO’s Kai Cooled Down With An EXO-L’s Fan And Promptly Made Everyone Else Lose Their Cool

Is it getting hot in here or is it just Kai?

Although it may be hot outside, the temperature outside is no match for EXO‘s Kai especially when he decided to cool down a little during a recent EXO Planet #5: EXplOration concert and ended up making everyone else lose their cool!


Things are bound to get pretty hot during a concert especially if you’re burning it up on stage. So what’s an idol to do but get a little cool relief from a fan!


As Kai was performing during a recent concert, he suddenly noticed one EXO-L holding a fan out to him trying to send a little cool air his way. Of course, all his hard work definitely had him feeling the heat so he decided to step a little closer and soak up some of that air!


And the moment he made that decision, it was all over for everyone else!


While Kai took a few moments to cool down, everyone else was losing theirs!


Meanwhile, the EXO-L who cooled Kai down while he was up close and personal, was soon proclaimed the luckiest EXO-L ever by her fellow fans!


Who knew that trying to cool down would make everyone else lose their cool! Yep, we’re definitely not okay!


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