EXO’s Kai Friendzones His Fans In The Sweetest Way Possible

He’s sweet, just like a peach! 🍑

Following the release of his second solo mini-album Peaches, EXO‘s Kai channeled his inner-fortune teller in a recent video.

EXO’s Kai. | EXO/YouTube

And let’s just say this man sure knows his stuff… Like everything he said was spot-on and scarily accurate.

| EXO/YouTube

The concept of the video is Kai, giving people life advice with inspiration from the peach deity. Yes, you read that correctly. To fuel this, he had lots of yummy peach-flavored snacks!

| EXO/YouTube

One who sought advice from the younger master is an EXO-L who works as a nurse. She is approaching two years since becoming single.

I’m in my second year of living as a single. I am a nurse in Busan. Since I’m a nurse, I’ve been super busy, so that’s part of why I’ve been single.


| EXO/YouTube

Most may assume her busy schedule as a nurse would be the causation of her single life. In reality, it’s because of EXO. We can relate to this as she confessed that the members rose her standards in men.

But, KAI, have you heard of EXO? That idol group is making me have zero willingness to date. If you ask me why, it’s because my standards got too high. Do you think I’ll ever be able to date anyone ever again?


| EXO/YouTube

Upon hearing this, Kai immediately recognized the dilemma. This would definitely not be the first or last time he’s heard this before. Before offering advice, he evaluated the situation, reflecting, “Single for two years, nurse, EXO fan… “

You may be possessed by a ghost. …Let me see the name of that ghost. …KAI. KAI is the ghost. You are possessed pretty hardcore. This is going to be hard to fix.

— Kai

| EXO/YouTube

His first solution was… To read a fortune cookie, which suggested, “Take more risks.” 

I don’t think you’ve tasted much bitterness in life yet. I don’t know how old you are but try being single until the limit. Take even more risks, you know?

— Kai

| EXO/YouTube

He comforted her, saying that it was okay to still be single at this time. Kai actually recommended she could continue to do so.

I think being single for two years, that’s still fine. The limit is nine years.

— Kai

| EXO/YouTube

Then he switched things up real fast. Kai didn’t want to hold EXO responsible for her singleness, so he recommended alternatives.

Wait, no. It would be nice if you start dating right when EXO retires. But what’s important here is that EXO won’t take responsibility for your relationship problems. …First, I must heal you of this illness.

— Kai

| EXO/YouTube

We all know that EXO’s charms, talent, and good looks are to blame here, really, no matter what Kai says. No one can compete with that when such fine men exist.

First, why is EXO EXO? They are EXO because they are good-looking. If everyone on the streets looked good, all of them would be EXO. We are just who we are. You need to remember that.

— Kai

| EXO/YouTube

He was tempted to recommend she stop consuming so much EXO content, but we know that wouldn’t be a good idea. A life without EXO doesn’t sound worth it.

Actually, I want to tell you to stop looking at EXO, but that won’t work… You must keep watching them. We are all connected. It’s unreasonable to tell you to stop watching them.

— Kai

| EXO/YouTube

Kai finally recognized that being a fan and being in a relationship can coexist. You just need to find a fellow EXO-L to date! This certainly is the cutest and sweetest way possible to friendzone one’s fan.

Relationships are good. I hope that you try dating people. As you do that, you can share your hobby with your boyfriend, watch EXO videos together, and be a fan together; I hope that you find a guy like that.

— Kai

| EXO/YouTube

If he couldn’t get any sweeter already, he reassured her that it was okay if she didn’t date just yet. It’s all in due timing. No one should push themselves to be in a relationship if they’re not ready yet.

If you really want to be in a relationship, I’m sure you are going to try harder. It just means you are fine still. Your fortune here says you’re fine. It says to take more risks. It means you aren’t taking enough. So, when you really want to be in a relationship, like when you feel desperate, that’s when you start dating.

— Kai

| EXO/YouTube

Watch the full video below:

Source: EXO


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