EXO’s D.O. Would Do Anything For Kai, Except This One Thing

No matter how hard Kai begged, D.O. just wouldn’t do it!

EXO‘s Kai and D.O. are incredibly close and while Kai is always trying to get D.O. to smile and vice versa, sometimes even Kai can’t persuade D.O. to do something even if he tries his hardest.


During the latest episode of Travel Around the World on EXO’s Ladder, the group had some fun on a mini-train. The members were given the option to wear a hat for the occasion but there was one member who absolutely refused to wear it no matter how hard Kai begged him to!

“Kyungsoo hyung you have to wear this. Couple with me. Please!”

— Kai


While D.O. objected to the hat, Chen snagged another one and gave it to Xiumin. Although D.O. wasn’t having any of it, Xiumin expressed his own thoughts about the accessory by taking a few selcas!

“It’s a captain’s hat! You like it?”

— Chen


Meanwhile, behind the happy Xiumin, D.O. continued to fight off Kai’s hat tricks along with Chen’s attempts at getting D.O. to wear the hat too!

“Let’s do rock paper scissors! The loser has to wear it!”

— Chen


Despite D.O. trying to get rid of the hat for good, Kai once again got the hat back and started trying to convince his hyung to wear it again.

“Please hyung! Please!”

— Kai


Even as the train was leaving the station, he attempted to sneakily place it on D.O.’s head and begged him to put it on!

“Couple with me hyung? Please!”

— Kai


Although D.O. managed to get away with not wearing the hat for a while, once they were into their ride Kai tried one more time to have his wish come true.

“Hyung isn’t it fun? Since you’re excited, should we wear the hat together?”

— Kai


But no matter how hard he tried, D.O. would not budge! EXO-Ls have been expressing their sadness for Kai…


As well as laughing at the whole exchange!


There’s no doubt that this epic battle of the hat will go down in history!


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