EXO Members Got These Special Objects To Symbolize Their Never Ending Teamwork

EXO fans were in for a treat during the ElyXiOn concert, where the boys showcased a new symbol of their team love!

A fan revealed that the EXO members each got a matching customized mic with their personal favorite colors!

Starting from the third mic from the left, the mics belongs to Chen, Kai, Suho, D.O, Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol, and Xiumin (the two silver ones on the left are extras).

Fans adored how Chen chose silver, which matches his bright personality.

Kai kept it whitey-clean as he showed off his brand new white mic.

Suho showed off his ivory mic to all his fans in the packed stadium.

And D.O. matched his mic to his personality – a mysterious black, but undeniably shining!

Ever the passionate and fiery member, Baekhyun chose red as his personal color.

And Sehun made sure that all of his fans could tell that his mic was orange.

Chanyeol kept it classy in gold.

And Xiumin looked like ever the kid-hyung with his playful purple.

In addition to these colorful mics, Suho gave each of the members a custom standing mic made of gold!

Although Lay’s personal mic hasn’t been mentioned, fans are curious to see what color he would have picked!

The EXO members will now be able to spread their music through their couple mics!

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