Suho Unveiled His Super Strength During EXO’s Practice Log And It’s Making Fans Feel Very Attacked

EXO-Ls found out just how strong Suho really is!

While EXO‘s Suho has shown off his muscular physique numerous times and left everyone feeling seriously attacked with flashes of his rock hard abs and bulging biceps, fans have never known just how strong Suho really is. That is until they saw EXO’s OBSESSION Log Practice Room Moments episode!


At the very beginning of EXO’s latest hit “OBSESSION”, Suho appears in between Chen and Baekhyun as they lean to the side before Suho raises his hands and they drop.


Although the sight is already heart-stopping from the front, when EXO practiced the move in their log, EXO-Ls got to see the move from a completely different angle which also showed there was a little more to it than first met the eyes. As Chen and Baekhyun turn to the side they each hold one arm out which Suho then holds as they lean sideways!


The moment may be quick but in between the moment they turn sideways and Suho releases them, he’s completely supporting Chen and Baekhyun from falling!


Seeing Suho support both Baekhyun and Chen his hands has left EXO-Ls feeling very attacked and in absolute awe over Suho’s super strength.


Although Suho’s official EXO power may be the power of water, there’s no doubt he’s also got some serious super strength! See Suho’s strength for yourself in the video below:


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