EXO’s Comeback Isn’t Here Yet, But Fans Already Have Theories

Could Chanyeol really be a spy?

EXO-Ls are so hyped about EXO‘s comeback that they’re already brainstorming new theories.


After nearly a year of waiting, EXO will finally be coming back with a brand new album, Don’t Mess Up My Tempo, on November 2.


The album’s comeback music video will be the first one since EXO’s “Universe” dropped in December 2017.


EXO-Ls are pros at finding ways to entertain themselves while waiting for their boys to return.

14 High-Key Iconic Things EXO-L Did While Waiting for EXO’s Comeback


So, it’s no surprise that they have been poring over EXO’s new concept photos and teasers for hidden clues!


Some EXO-Ls have divided EXO’s black and white photo set into two teams, based on similarities. They believe these details are actually hints about the storyline for EXO’s upcoming music video.

EXO Is Finally Filming Their Comeback Music Video


The members on “Team Rose” are each pictured holding a rose…


…while “Team Shadow” is characterized by dark shadows and the lack of a rose in the shot.


Suho has both a rose and a shadow in his photo, but he is the only member not holding his rose.


Some fans believe that, as EXO’s leader, Suho could be on both Team Rose and Team Shadow.


EXO-Ls have also noticed that Lay is neither Team Rose or Team Shadow, and are theorizing what this could possibly mean.


Some have suggested that Lay may take on a special role outside of the teams, such as that of a mediator or a healer.


EXO-Ls are also wondering how the ominous “red force” will factor into EXO’s comeback.


The red force is an enemy that has been pursuing EXO since their debut music video, “MAMA”.

“An eye of red force created the evil, which coveted the heart of tree of life, and the heart slowly grew dry…” — “MAMA” MV opening dialogue 


EXO-Ls have even suspected various members of being spies for the red force.


Thankfully, EXO fans won’t have to wait much longer to find out if their predictions are true!


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