EXO’s Chen Couldn’t Help But Accidentally Curse On Broadcast After Seeing This Side Of D.O.

First time Chen cursed on broadcast.

EXO‘s Chen and D.O. have shown their close bond multiple times, but there was one time that Chen was absolutely shocked by D.O.

On an episode of Knowing Brothers, Chen remembers how shocked he was by seeing D.O.’s kiss scene and couldn’t believe his eyes.

Chen never expected to see someone he was close to having a kiss scene, so it was shocking for him to see that side of D.O.

Even though Chen knew that there would a kiss scene in the drama (100 Days My Prince), he didn’t think it would be a passionate kiss scene.

Here is one of the kiss scenes, if you were curious.

Chen gets real honest about how felt watching the kiss scene and accidentally curses revealing his thoughts.

The other members of EXO couldn’t but laugh because this was the first time Chen ever cursed on broadcast before.

Here is the full video below!


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