A Fan Wore Something Unexpected To B1A4 Gongchan’s Video Call Fan Sign And Made Him Laugh So Hard

He even mentioned her in a tweet afterwards!

Have you ever made your idol laugh so hard he yeeted off-screen? This lucky fan has! During B1A4‘s recent video call fan sign for their promotions, a fan’s unexpected clothing choice made Gongchan chuckle.

While the rest of the call went off without a hitch, Gongchan suddenly noticed something. He did not hesitate to call the poor fan out.

Noona, but… (laughs) You’re wearing a blouse for the top, but (laughs) you’re wearing pajama pants on the bottom? But anyway, recently we do video call fan signs so that’s possible.

— Gongchan

The kind singer even found the video call review on Twitter and took some time out to reply her personally.

Pajama pants are comfortable and warm in winter. It’s cute anyways.

— Gongchan

Way to make a lasting impression! Perhaps the way to your idol’s heart is through humor after all. In other news, B1A4 has recently made a comeback with “Like a Movie”. Take a listen below.



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