Fans can’t decide which of these idols look sexiest in leggings

As two of the top visual goddesses, both idols have trended for their outstanding style in leggings – but who wore it better?

AOA‘s Naeun and APink‘s Seolhyun are two hot item visuals that are constantly bringing their A-game and it’s near impossible to decide which of the two is more suited to this particular style.

APink’s Naeun

Naeun started a legging trend when a practice video of her went viral and many began praising her physique. Her cute and slightly sexy style is one many want to capture in their own looks. Naeun’s highly coveted body can make any outfit look amazing.

Her figure works in these leggings.
This is body goals.
Any color and style wore well on her.
What a perfect figure!

AOA’s Seolhyun

Seolhyun has always been body goals and her toned yet curved figure is one seemingly made for tight fitting pants. She is one of the most popular idols for comparison when it comes to hot bodies.

This AOA star is a real beauty with a body out of any sports brand’s dreams; her legendary legs could sell anything.

The sporty look really suits her.
Even cropped leggings look fantastic on Seolhyun.
Seolhyun’s shorts and leggings are a beautiful breath of fresh air from the former ISAC tracksuit uniform.
With a smile like that who could resist?
Another slay for Seolhyun in white jeggings.

Fans can’t decide which of these idols look sexiest in leggings

Both of these beautiful girls are queens of the legging look. They can rock any kind of outfit in them with their fantastic bodies and cute faces.

Which one is more your style?

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