Fans Get Teary-Eyed Seeing Photos And Messages Posted By Girl’s Day For Their Ten Year Anniversary

Here’s to another ten!

Girl group Girl’s Day celebrated their tenth anniversary since debut! They made their debut into the K-Pop scene on July 9, 2010 and have continued their journey as a group for the past decade. Long-time fans of the group were touched as all members of the group posted a message on Instagram, showing their true and long-lasting friendship.


Yura left a lengthy post revealing her true gratitude and love towards the members and fans for continuing to support them since the beginning.

Hello today is Girls Day’s ten year anniversary! From debuting in 2010 and making it to 2020, time went by so fast for me. It will probably be the most precious moments that I will never forget for the rest of my life. That’s probably why the ten years went by so fast for me. It’s all thanks to everyone who continued to support and love us that we were able to have a happy ten years. And above everything, I grew up as an only child and didn’t have any siblings. Having a younger or older sibling was always my wish and now because I have my members by my side, I am truly the luckiest person in the world.

She hopes that fans will understand and know just how much she loves them and hopes to continue living life together with them.

I know I always say this but…let’s stay together forever, okay? And to all our fans who support us in and out of the spotlight. I can’t express it all in words just how thankful we are and how much we love you. We always want to do more for you all…I wish we could do something more for you all and am always sorry that I am not able to….but you all know our hearts right? We will continue to work hard and show you all something better. To my loves that made the last ten years special! Thank you so much!! Let’s continue this journey together. I hope everyone stays happy always!

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안녕하세요 오늘은 걸스데이 10주년입니다아!!♡ 2010년에 데뷔해서 2020년까지 저에겐 정말 정말 빠르게 지나간 시간이었던 거 같아요 아마도 제 인생에서 절대 잊을 수 없는…가장 행복하고 소중한 시간이었어서 그만큼 빠르게 흘러간 10년인 거 같습니다. 정말 많은 분들이 응원해 주시고 사랑해 주셔서 너무 행복한 10년이 될 수 있었어요. 그리고 무엇보다 어렸을때부터  외동이었어서 언니동생이 있는게 소원이었었는데 지금 우리 멤버들이 제 곁에 있는 게 제 인생에서 최고의 행운인 거 같아요 맨날맨날 얘기하지만 !! 우리 평생 함께해야 해유 알쥬? 쪽! 그리고 항상 곁에서, 뒤에서 열심히 응원해 주신 우리 팬 여러분! 말로 표현할 수 없을만큼 감사하고  사랑합니다..♡ 항상 더 잘해드리고 싶구.. 뭐라도 해드리고 싶은데 마음만큼 못해드려서 늘 미안하고 고맙구… 그래도 제 마음 알죠? 앞으로 더 좋은 모습 많이 보여드릴 수 있도록 제가 더 많이 많이 노력할게요^^♡♡ 최고의 10년을 만들어준 내 사랑들! 너무 감사합니다❤❤❤❤ 앞으로도 우리 항상 함께해야 해요 늘 행복하세요💕❤

A post shared by YURA (@yura_936) on


Dear Dai5y & GsD. Thank you for being my strength and friend throughout this long period of time. Thank you for being with us, I love you. Ing~


Hello this is Hyeri. Today is Girl’s Day’s ten year anniversary! We have prepared a small gift to thank everyone who have stayed by our side and showed us support all this time. I will continue to work hard and not forget all the gratitude and support I’ve received. Thank you and I love you. Please continue to love us. Special thanks to Girl’s Day & Daisy


Happy Birthday Girl’s Day

As a way to thank fans for their never-ending support and love, the members shared a series of photos the members took to celebrate their ten year anniversary. Let’s take a look at the photos that they released online!

Congrats to Girl’s Day!

Girl's Day

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