People Made Fun Of This EXO-L’s Fashion, What Sehun Did Next Showed His True Colors

EXO’s Xiumin, Chen, Suho, Sehun, and Chanyeol attended a Nature Republic fan meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.

EXO's Xiumin, Chen, Suho, Sehun & Chanyeol at Nature Republic Fan Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.

In the middle of the fan meeting, a fan captured a moment that showed Sehun’s true colors.

One fan came dressed in a pineapple print dress that caused quite a stir among the other fans.

People whispered about this fan’s appearance. 

Sehun treated her with not only professionalism but respect and affection.

As Chanyeol signed one of the pamphlets for her, Sehun made eye contact and smiled warmly.

Sehun smiled warmly at the fan and her fascinating pineapple outfit.

She was so taken aback by his kindness that she covered her mouth in surprise.

Sehun smiled affectionately at the fan.

Sehun really is unbelievably kind and compassionate toward his EXO-L’s.

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