How Filipina K-Pop Idol Gehlee Exposed “Universe Ticket” Contestants To Funny Philippine Tradition

UNIS‘ Gehlee is spreading modern Philippine traditions to Korea. The Filipina star left a mark on contestants because of something uniquely funny she did to them. Many Filipino youth can totally relate to it!

Her cute actions behind the scenes of reality program Universe Ticket were brought to light recently when fellow contestants Yeram and Haram were interviewed by Pocket TV.

According to Yeram, all the contestants experienced the same thing whenever they left their phone unattended. Much to their surprise after returning, they found that Gehlee had taken selfies with it!
She never missed any opportunity to have a little fun. It didn’t matter whose phone it was, she wasn’t shy to take some photos.
Gehlee's leaving selfies on everyone's phone 😭😂
Video credit: Pocket TV#UNIS #유니스
— UNIS WORLDWIDE 🌎 (@unisworldwide) March 1, 2024
Borrowing a friend’s phone to take selfies is a common practice among Filipino high schoolers. Based on the contestants’ initial shock, it doesn’t seem to be the norm in other countries.
And the best thing about it is that the selfies aren’t always the most flattering. Gehlee, for example, took many pictures with the camera at a high angle. It was hilarious!
yeram: if you leave your phone, gehlee takes selfies
— gehlee source (@gehleesource) March 5, 2024
Fans found Yeram’s story funny, laughing about how “unserious” the Filipina is…
gehlee took selfies on all of the girls' phones during universe ticket she's so unserious 😂
— gehlee source (@gehleesource) March 1, 2024
…and reveling in her “selca takeover” during Universe Ticket.
gehlee selca takeover during UT era😭😂#UNIS #GEHLEE #젤리당카 #GEHLEEDANGCA #UNISGEHLEE @UNIS_offcl
— 🎀 UNIS ON MARCH 27⋆.˚ (@sassygehlee) March 1, 2024
Gotta love a celeb who doesn’t take herself too seriously!
Meanwhile, learn how Gehlee became one of the most memorable contestants on the show in the article below.